What is a Sales Funnel & Why Do They Matter?

This is PART 1 in a 2 PART series addressing the question, “What is a Sales Funnel?”

In this presentation we start with the basics of “What is a sales funnel”. The basics include the understanding of each stage of the funnel:

  1. Top of Funnel (TOFU)…this is where you find your COLD Traffic
  2. Middle of Funnel (MOFU)…this is where you find your WARM Traffic
  3. Bottom of Funnel (BOFU)…this is where you find your HOT Traffic

In each stage of the funnel I discuss what your typical audience would look like and what type of content is appropriate to ask your prospective clients to consume or engage in at each phase of the funnel.

Part 2 of this webinar will cover “Sales Funnel Stages” and what types of content need to be created at for a full sales funnel.

Look for this webinar after June 26, 2018 on this blog feed.

Unleash Your Business's Unique Appeal: Discover 7 Creative and Compelling Customer Attractors

Remember... it's a "Power Play" in consciousness to differentiate your business, products, services and brands from the "competition".

According to consciousness research, it dramatically increases your likelihood of success when you do!

Interested in joining this online meetup group and business networking platform for conscious service based solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners in the mind body spirit health and transformational coaching space?

Register for free here.

Interested in seeing what next week topic is? Check it out here.

As a member of the online Meetup group, you will:

• Have the opportunity to present to yourself every week and practice your “elevator speech” and become comfortable sharing your expertise.

• Learn from experts in the field of online marketing and the best place to spend your time, money and effort in growing your brand, visibility and reach on the web.

• Learn from other guest speakers on the topic of growing your business in general with experts in legal, finance, business systems and strategies and regarded business coaches.

• Network and collaborate with like minded business owners from all over the country and the world.

• Generate new leads for your business, and

• Have fun. Learn something new and become a part of an intentional online community in support of you and your business.

Our truest intent is to empower and inspire 1,000’s of conscious solopreneurs and small businesses, that are passionate about their impactful businesses and brands, towards greater visibility, reach and fulfilling life’s purpose.

TheAthenaArena.com is located  just outside of Aspen, Colorado and Golden Colorado, almost centrally located between Denver and Boulder, CO. We serve brilliant entrepreneurs world wide.

Brand Building…Goal Setting? Same Intentional Discipline!

If you are serious about growing a business, then sooner or later you may need to put a stake in the ground and go through the highly conscious exercise in developing your personal or business brand.

Find out more about my Brand Builder BootCamps here.

Liz Gracia, Personal Brand Strategist & Online Marketing Expert at The Athena ArenaLiz Gracia is Founder, Editor in Chief and Director of Marketing for The Mind Body Spirit Network  and Personal Brand Strategist and Brand Builder for www.TheAthenaArena.com. She is a Certified Digital Marketing expert, and personal brand builder and loves inspiring small business owners to expand their visibility and reach online with impactful personal brands.

“Super Charge Your Business with a Wonder Woman Brand!”

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