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Lead Generation

How to Facebook Advertising Basics PART 2

2019-01-02T13:23:12-06:00By |Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

Facebook  Advertising Tips & Strategies Before You Go Diving In...Blueprint for a Successful Facebook Campaign So I hear from many people that they are bombing big time when it comes to their Facebook advertising efforts. And to add insult to injury, Facebook seems to be constantly [...]

What is a Sales Funnel? PART 1

2018-05-22T16:51:34-06:00By |Categories: Digital Marketing, Online Meetup Recordings|Tags: , , , , , , , |

What is a Sales Funnel & Why Do They Matter? This is PART 1 in a 2 PART series addressing the question, "What is a Sales Funnel?" In this presentation we start with the basics of "What is a sales funnel". The basics include the understanding [...]

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