Grow Your Business With Public Speaking Tips from a Pro

Do you ever find yourself in the audience at a speaking event thinking “THAT SHOULD BE ME UP THERE!”

Come on. Be honest.

You’ve got this business. You have something to say—an idea, a story, a passion, a kernel of truth. You totally rock it with the clients you have…but you know you could do better.

You know that speaking is the best way to reach your people, to position yourself as an expert, to build some serious “Know, Like & Trust.”

But there’s someone else up there speaking and all your potential clients are running her way and inside you’re screaming “HEY! OVER HERE! HIRE ME!”

Maybe you tell yourself you don’t have a good story to tell. You tell yourself your nerves will betray you. You don’t want to be salesy. You’ve studied the Speak To Sell Formulas, but formulas just aren’t your thing.

Or you’re psyched to speak, but you have NO CLUE how to get a speaking gig.

So you go home and send another email instead.

Join The Athena Arena & The Mind Body Spirit Network guest speaker & public speaking coach Johanna Walker for a nuts & bolts, open-your-heart, take-action talk where you’ll learn:

  • Why public speaking is the most effective way to grow your business (yes even if the whole idea scares the bejeezus out of you)
  • How to get crystal clear about the gem of your genius that you want to share with the world
  • What it takes to become a sought-after speaker, and step into thought leadership with confidence and gusto

Johanna invites you to connect with her for a conversation about where you are at on your public speaking journey.

Apply for a complimentary STRATEGY SESSION with Johanna here.

Get Johanna's 8 Steps to Craft Your Client-Attracting Signature Talk

Plus, receive story-telling, truth-speaking, world-changing updates from Johanna, with tips & stories to make you a more confident, true-to-you, client-converting speaker. 

Note: Let’s just get this out of the way because I want you to know exactly what you’re getting. When you sign up to get these eight steps, you’ll also receive an email from me twice a month with stories, advice, and tips to help you become the MOST POWERFUL public speaker you can be. As always, you can unsubscribe at any time.

And your info is safe with us. We won’t share or sell it to anyone.

Get Johanna's 8 Steps!

Unleash Your Business's Unique Appeal: Discover 7 Creative and Compelling Customer Attractors

Remember... it's a "Power Play" in consciousness to differentiate your business, products, services and brands from the "competition".

According to consciousness research, it dramatically increases your likelihood of success when you do!

Public Speaking Coach Johanna Walker


Johanna is the fear-blasting, storytelling maven for coaches, consultants, leaders and changemakers, also known as a public speaking coach.
She is the founder of Women Who Speak, a transformational speaker coaching program for female leaders, and leads an ongoing coaching and training group called The Speaker’s Playground. She is the co-founder and co-host of Boulder’s popular bi-monthly story slam, Truth Be Told, where people from the audience come to the stage and tell true stories about their lives. She’s worked with adolescent girls and women in jail, as well as corporate execs and fledgling entrepreneurs because she believes that everyone has a story to tell.

Interested in a Fear Blasting, Story Telling Maven, Public Speaking Coach? Connect with Johanna Walker here.

Brand Building…Goal Setting? Same Intentional Discipline!

If you are serious about growing a business, then sooner or later you may need to put a stake in the ground and go through the highly conscious exercise in developing your personal or business brand.

Find out more about my Brand Builder BootCamps here.

Discover more from The Athena Arena with Liz Gracia

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