Brand Building 101:
Branding Your Business is a “Foundational Basic” to Your Business Success!
Whether you are an entrepreneurial women business owner just starting out, a small business that just can’t seem to get any traction, or a service based solopreneur experiencing difficulties, small business branding can bring about a significant shift in your business.
If you are experiencing any of the following:
(or don’t want to come across these issues in your new business)
- Lack of visibility and brand awareness.
- Lack of confidence
- Lack of vibrational alignment with want you want because you haven’t put a stake in the ground on any front.
- Poor marketing results.
- Floundering and/or irregular sales revenues.
- Less than ideal leads. Not attracting appropriate clientele.
- Difficulty closing sales. Trying to be all things to all people with less than optimal results.
- DIY or unprofessional graphic or web design.
- Company visuals and touch points lack consistency, congruency and a recognizable level of professionalism.
- Not offering profitable, scalable services.
- No clear messaging.
- Not clear on ideal client
- Fear of saying “No” to less than ideal clients
- Not building any brand equity…..
Then my lovely, you are dealing with a branding issue!
Small Business Branding is WAY MORE than your just logo and business cards!!!

Ready to Build an Impactful Signature Personal Brand that Attracts the “I LOVE You” Clients at a Premium Price?
Then you must be ready to:
Clearly identify your ideal clients and leave all others off the table,
Develop marketing language that concisely communicates your distinctiveness,
Create and sell profitable services,
Clearly articulate your value-driven results so that you are….
Let your impactful engaging brand do all the heavy (sales & marketing) lifting so you don’t have to!
All Athena Arena Personal Branding Packages Start With the Business Awareness Boost!

STEP 1: Initial Branding Intake 90 minute Interview
An initial intake interview.
In this 90 minute initial intake interview, via Zoom video conference call, we will dive deep into a significant amount of questions that I will ask you related to you, your business and your expertise. We will also take a peek at what ideal clients you intend to attract, the type of revenue you want to generate and your comfort level with developing profitable higher end packages in your business.
This will help me (your brand strategist) to prioritize our coaching & consultation efforts so that I spend the most time where it is needed and fine tune our approach to branding your business.
STEP 2: Basic Keyword Marketing Research & Reporting
- Carefully researched keywords and, more importantly, keyword phrases.
- Analyzing the viability of your business, especially if you intend to develop your business online.
- Analyzing where the greatest opportunity exists for you to really launch your business or expand it further.
- Determining the best approach and lead magnets you may need to develop to get new prospects in the door.
- Analyzing & carefully considering use of the keywords based on search volume, competitiveness, and financial viability.
- Creating a keyword research report for your review, files and long term referenceability.
- Highlighting any blog content, video, podcast, eBooks, social media posts, email marketing, lead magnet, product/service and business development opportunities that may reveal themselves in the keyword research
- Outlining an initial content marketing strategy with 12 key pieces of content for you to develop down the line.

STEP 3: 60 minute Consultation on the Research Results
This happens after I complete my keyword research, reporting and analysis as you need to understand my findings.
Reviewing, understanding and advising you on a content marketing strategy and how it should be written and developed to take advantage of “Key” keyword phrases that can get you found more easily on local SEO Google searches and social media.
It will also provide a foundation for developing “lead magnets” to build your email list and generate leads. (You DON”T want to offer a lead magnet and then build out an email automation stream and sales funnel without this vital information!!!! It’s painful to make this significant and frustrating mistake!!)
MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH….. is making sure your proposed service offerings have significant search volume and financial viability BEFORE building your Signature Personal Brand! (IN OTHER WORDS, LET’S MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A MARKET!)
Here’s a lovely testimonial from one of our holistic health practitioners about our online marketing, Google Ads, and SEO website design and branding services from Sunny Swearsky, Founder of…a website for reclaiming your life after trauma, PTSD, and sexual abuse. You can see Sunny’s 5-Star Reviews of her healing services over on our sister site at The Mind Body Spirit Network here.
You can see her 5-Star Ratings for our marketing and consulting services here, and here,

Holly Scalmanini
Visit Holly’s Website Here
“I began working with Liz in December of 2016. When I thought of the possibilities that Liz could bring to my business, I was both excited and terrified. I could see the potential for me to become busy, but I had a lack of confidence in myself and my abilities. Liz was very supportive of me. She recommended the book Power Vs Force by David Hawkins. This was very helpful to me. Slowly I felt myself begin to open up and relax. I began to take myself less seriously which helped me to let go. Through this process I began to feel more confident. As I did this, I became busier. It took about 4 months before things became really busy for me and at that point, I felt ready.”
Holly Salmanini – 5 Star Facebook Review

Cheryl Murphy
Visit Cheryl’s Website Here
“When I was ready to take my business to the next level, I asked the universe for a marketing angel to help me. Within the next few days, I met Liz Gracia, founder of and We met for coffee a few days later to discuss the potential of Liz becoming my website designer and personal branding and marketing consultant.
Liz really listened to my concerns and ideas about where I wanted to take my business.
One of the specific problems I was having is that I wanted to be “seen” on the internet and attract a larger audience.
I had been feeling overwhelmed with how to approach a growing business with social media.
The specific concerns I had which almost prevented me from working with Liz was if she could match the new website with my wants, needs, desires & personality. I was concerned if she could create a website that would (feel like me) present me in a light that would reveal my soul’s essence and qualities.
Working with Liz has helped my business grow financially, right from the beginning. She created a business platform that aligns what I do with my customer’s needs.
My business continues to grow and thanks to Liz’s help, reaches broader audiences.
My level of joy and confidence has increased working with Liz. She brought my business up to date with the latest marketing strategies, branding efforts, and graphic designs.
What I enjoyed most about her coaching style is her warm personal way. She taught me how to navigate through WordPress and FB. I enjoyed our discussions on how to write simple and effective blogs, to adding the promotions and call to actions to my weekly emails.
Her creativity really shines with her artistic talent and she pays attention to detail. I highly recommend Liz Gracia and her Impactful Personal Branding Workshop!
Cheryl Murphy– Psychic & Spiritual Medium

Heather VerWys
“As a non-tech savvy soloprenuer, I could not be luckier than to have Liz’s wise consult. Both as a client and as a regular member of her Tuesday morning Mindful Marketing Online Meetup Group & educational marketing webinars, I have gained invaluable advice, direction, and motivation.
What I have learned from her has been the difference between waiting around for random clients to come knocking at my door, and actively taking a targeted approach to attracting the exact clients I wan to be working with.
I consider it a gift to refer other soloprenuers to Liz’s group and do so with great anticipation of knowing how their business will change because of Liz!”
Heather VerWys – 5 Star Facebook Review
SuperCharge Your Business With a “Wonder Woman” Brand!
Elevate Your Brand with Multiple Revenue Streams & Strategies
Embark on a transformative journey with, enthusiastically championing dynamic “Wonder Woman” brands supporting the vibrant Colorado Rocky Mountain communities from Aspen to Vail, Snowmass, Basalt, Carbondale, and Glenwood Springs; we specialize in elevating “Wonder Woman” brands worldwide.! We deliver innovative content and online business development strategies and SEO-smart WordPress solutions to life and health coaches, business innovators, and therapists keen on building compelling personal brands and lucrative revenue streams.
Are you prepared to create change and captivate more audiences?
Book your free 30-minute consultation, feature your business in our search-driven niche directory, and discover a treasure trove of resources on our sister site,
“Unlock top-tier resources and innovative ideas to grow your practice. Discover tools, and insightful strategies to optimize your income streams.” Get started today!