Top Tip on Manifesting Money from Somatic Money Mystic Dana Stovern
The old conditioning of “thinking” about “money” and manifesting money in our “minds” keeps us trapped in old fear and scarcity cycles. Money relationship is actually a dynamic full-body, richly data-filled experience that constantly describes our inner and outer worlds of partnership and exchange. This landscape holds the keys to the insights and breakthroughs you’re seeking to create success in your career or business and to attract money.
In this inter-active mini-workshop, filled with dynamic stories and rich concepts, Dana will show you how to engage three powerful somatic money practices to immediately apply on a daily basis to the movement of your money relationship and manifesting money. Open the gateway to experience your inter-personal money relationship in powerful new ways to holistically attract money into your life’s experience.
What’s Dana’s Top Tip for How to Manifest Money?
Dana’s top and most effective tip for manifesting money is to be present in your body every time you are in the midst of a money transaction! So many people are unconscious when it comes to their money that they actually leave the body!?!
So if you want to attract money into your life and become proficient at manifesting money….you need to become present with every transaction.
If you want to become highly conscious of your money game, then I also think that suggests reconciling your check book and credit card statements every month! (How many of you are actually doing this?!?)
Journal writing can be quite a powerful tool for how to manifest money, as it connects to the heart center and the power of the heart, which calibrates 575 (that’s 10 to the 575th power) on the Map of Consciousness. In other words it’s extremely powerful and significantly more powerful than the mind which calibrates 400 (that’s 10 to the 4ooth power) on the Map of Consciousness.
And just so you know….money is NOT “evil” as it calibrates at 200 on the Map of Consciousness and is actually positively oriented and constructive! The problem with money is our own beliefs and perceptions about it that cause the problems. So, what are your thoughts around the topic of money?
If your language-ing around manifesting money is negatively oriented, you need to take a look at this and shed some light on this topic for you. Dana is a gifted spiritual medium and is here to help you unravel the negative spin you may have going on around how to manifest money.
Watch Dana’s “How to Manifest Money” workshop now as she provides detail and insights as how to do this and what it might look like.
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About Our Guest Presenter:
Dana Stovern, Somatic Money founder and coach, delivers inspired messages encouraging her audiences to explore authentic money relationships with unique tools for deeper personal value and empowerment. The Somatic Money focus arrived in Stovern’s life after a tragic loss that triggered her need to find better answers in life. Somatic Money became her necessity of invention that she successfully developed for herself and clients. She now coaches Somatic Money to business owners and professionals across the country.
Need help manifesting money and how to manifest money? Connect with Dana on here website at
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