Today’s empowering quotes for women includes a Christopher Columbus Quote.

I think this quote is rather perfect for all of us “awakening” women and “Athenas” in our own arenas:

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

— Christopher Columbus

Comment below if you have crossed your own proverbial ocean before or are about ready to make the leap.

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Liz Gracia, Online Marketing Expert at The Athena Arena The Athena Arena, created by digital  marketing and personal brand builder “Athena” Liz Gracia,  is the “You Go Goddess” Arena for igniting your online success. We help women entrepreneurs, service based solopreneurs and business women in leadership roles.

Our intention is help entrepreneurial women that are serious about their online success “kick it up a notch” so that they can start generating leads and new business faster, and in a more professional and cohesive manner than they could do going it all alone.


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